I’ve been looking at how to tie my outcomes, my aims, and my future aspirations together into something cohesive. In this post I talk about the ‘eco system’ of services I will offer, and I’ve been trying to bring that all together under one umbrella.
I spent quite a lot of time thinking that I should do this via a studio. I’m really crap at naming things so I started listing lots of words related to nature, walking etc and trying to do something with that. I got the dictionary out and the thesaurus out and tried to make something happen. However, all the names felt too confusing – surely a name should tell you something about the product/service/organisation, beyond what page of the dictionary they picked at random. Also ‘studio’ implies that all the outputs will be creative, whereas I have established that there will be many services that I’d like to offer. I don’t particularly want to do all this under my own name either. Once I landed on the idea of calling it a project, the words just fell into place though – ‘The Nearby Nature Project’. ‘Nearby Nature’ is a term I discovered through my research – identified by Kaplan and Kaplan as nature within 3 minutes of your current location. One of the big aims of this project was to encourage people to notice what is on their doorstep, so this fits well, and is clear about what I’m trying to do.