The Heart & Lung Repair Shop
Create a graphic identity for a science-engagement project styled as a repair shop.
Graphic identity, flyers, posters, postcards, product packaging.
- A different designer had already created the shop front and a logo. I used their colour palette and typography as a starting point, but put my own twist on it.
- I looked into repair shops and car repair products, and felt that my graphics should be utilitarian. A secondary consideration was that we would be printing all the labels ourselves on a household printer so they would look best with a white background.
- Since the products were very white, I made the posters very colourful to contrast.
- We expanded the colour palette into the shop fixtures by painting shelves and furniture to match.
The Heart and Lung Repair Shop was a temporary pop-up science shop in Hammersmith’s Kings Mall. NHLI scientists collaborated with four designers to develop the content for the shop, including interactive exhibits, activities and installations.