The Heart & Lung Convenience Store
Create a graphic identity for a science-engagement project styled as a convenience store.
Graphic identity, vinyls for the windows and outside of store, interior wayfinding and signage, posters, postcards, product packaging.
- I began by doing extensive visual research on the aesthetics of a convenience store.
- I based the graphics on the previous pop up shop, but expanded the colour palette to make it brighter, and added in a softer typeface.
- I created a set of icons and a basic identity while I waited for details and copy to be confirmed. This made it very quick to produce items in the last couple of days before the store opened.
The Heart and Lung Convenience Store was the National Heart and Lung Institute’s second pop-up science shop, temporarily taking over an empty retail unit in Hammersmith’s Kings Mall. The store was a collection of interactive exhibits and installations exploring the future of heart and lung healthcare and how medicine is becoming more available, more personalised and more convenient. NHLI scientists collaborated with five designers and one performer to develop activities for the shop.